Rachel Preece Voice Elocution Accent Public Speaking Coach

Not About Voice Coaching But Palestine

Not About Voice Coaching But Palestine

This is a blog not about voice coaching but Palestine, because I  simply couldn’t find it within myself to write a blog on voice coaching when I am seeing a genocide happen in Palestine, right in front of my eyes.

I find it astounding that so many people are not really interested in what is happening in Gaza right now.

A lot of people are, but an awful lot of people aren’t.

Oh the problem is over there…

And because most Israelis speak perfect American English, the propaganda is compelling – most of us Westerners don’t speak Arabic.

But what is happening in Palestine is genocide and it our problem because we are human beings.

The mass slaughter of Palestinians, the systematic attacks on homes to ensure the women and children are killed first and foremost in order to eradicate breeders (women) and the next generation (babies and children)  is horrific and if the Israelis can do this to them, who else will they do this too?

Last night they began bombing further into Lebanon too..


Israel’s World Leading Military Weapons Are Being Field Tested in What Remains of Palestine

On Al Jazeera news (channel 235) I watched a drone come to a family’s home – and the drone told the family not to move because if they did, the drone would find them and kill them.

The father had to communicate with this AI nightmare object and the poor man was shouting “We are just standing here, we are still, we are not moving” it was terrifying

The Israelis have a huge arms industry and the Gaza strip is where they test their newest technology before it is sold around the world.

Look, the Israelis are saying, whilst we clear the Palestinians’  land for our take over, we are also showcasing our latest military arms, so that you can see what you would like to buy…

It’s difficult to believe this is all true and happening now and also being filmed on phones for sharing.

I’ve seen some awful videos by  IDF soldiers who have wanted to brag about how many children or babies they have killed in or on a particular day.

Maybe the horror is simply too hard to comprehend so many people I know ignore it..

I watched the beginning of the new case against Israel at the International Court of Justice yesterday and this very well spoken Palestinian Riyad Mansour,  described the hell the Palestinians are living through.

My stomach hurt and I sobbed as this brave and erudite man nearly broke down when he talked of the children..


Palestine – was a beautiful multicultural multi-religious country

During WW1 at the end of October 1917 the British took control of the territory and the Jewish population was about 6%.

Antisemitism was rife and the WW1 Cabinet of the Allies (although it is generally blamed on the English) came to a decision that the Jews be promised a homeland in Palestine.

I suspect the sympathy on antisemitism was less altruism and more to do with garnering much needed support during the war from the Zionists to keep going and the allies deciding they needed to establish a permanent base in that area.

Some say it was also born out of antisemitism and meant the Jews were put all in one place. I personally think it was far more likely to be war strategy which pleased the Zionists at the time who lobbied their governments for further support in WW1 and it would then set up set up a long term geopolitical alliance in an important part of the world.

So the Allied Countries of WW1 agreed on  the Balfour declaration which seems to be the cause of all these awful problems today.

A large-scale Jewish migration to Palestine began, accelerated by Jewish people fleeing Nazism in Europe. According to Al Jazeera, Between 1918 and 1947, the Jewish population in Palestine increased from 6 percent to 33 percent.

This fast democratic change cause fear and violence.

Armed Zionist militias started to attack the Palestinian people, forcing them to flee. Zionism, a political ideology that began in the 19th century, called for the creation of a Jewish homeland.

Palestine had been multicultural and multi-religious with stunning architecture and a long rich history spanning many thousands of years but for the last 1400 had been under Muslim rule.

The Zionists wanted to change all this and have had a long term plan since the beginning of the 1900’s.

I believe Benjamin Netanyahu wants to be the man named in history, no matter the financial or humanitarian expense,  who expanded Israel and eradicated Palestine.


The UN Partition Plan

As violence ravaged Palestine the British decided to terminate their mandate in 1947 and transfer the question of Palestine to the United Nations.

The Jews already had an army that was formed out of the armed paramilitary groups trained and created to fight side by side with the British in World War II.

The UN adopted Resolution 181, which called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states.

According to Al Jazeera, ‘the UN allocated about  55 percent of the land to Jews. Arabs were granted 45 percent of the land, while Jerusalem was declared a separate internationalised territory.

Having secured the support  for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, on May 14, 1948, as soon as the British Mandate expired, Zionist forces declared the establishment of the State of Israel, triggering the first Arab-Israeli war.

Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands and captured 78 percent of historic Palestine. The remaining 22 percent was divided into what are now the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip.

Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world mark the Nakba, or catastrophe, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948. ‘

They destroyed the society of the  land, harming the people, stripping them of their possessions, homes, land and turned them into impoverished refugees in small part of their own country.

Many families still have the front door key to their home to which they were never ever able to return.


Israel Does What It Likes It Likes In Palestine

Israel is now a satellite state of America. They have enjoyed great protection despite their behaviour and amassed great wealth collected from the American tax payers and creating a massive arms industry.

Over 4 billion a year of their tax money goes to Israel.

The American tax payers do not have a fully funded state health care but the Israelis do.

And I do believe many Americans are sick of this now. Literally.


Occupying Force in Palestine

Imagine soldiers arrive at your home and tell you to leave, “Now”

You have to leave with nothing but perhaps your front door key hidden in your clothes. At gun point you gather your children and are dragged or pushed or thrown out of you house and told to get off your own and that perhaps you have spent your life paying for or was your parents or even your family home for generations.

You are never allowed to return.

And the terrorisation is still happening in the West Bank NOW


Muslims Have Not Had Pogroms on Jews.

Europe has – consistently throughout the ages.


An Example of a European Pogrom

Here in the UK – a lot of the castles (fortresses) to keep the Welsh out of England, were built with Jewish money that was borrowed in the 13th  century.

A lot of the castles built on the Marches (the border country between England and Wales) were built with money from Jewish money lenders.

Then when Edward the 1st didn’t want to pay the money back, he started a war against the Jews in the form of increasingly restrictive laws and finally removed them in 1290 with a pogrom.

Well that’s one  way of clearing your debts.  Kill your lender.

The point is – the Muslim countries didn’t do this.. they haven’t had these  ‘get rid of Jewish people’ campaigns …


South Africa’s Case to to ICJ

After WW2 various Nazi sympathisers found refuge in South Africa

The Government that set up Apartheid Law in South Africa contained some of these thinkers – and yet again – a race of people were turned into 2nd class citizens and stripped of their rights.

The Jews in South Africa played a huge part in supporting Nelson Mandela, helping to end Apartheid 

I applaud South Africa’s bravery and ingenuity of taking a case against Israel to the International Court of Justice.


Yet Again Today the US have Blocked a vote for a Ceasefire

A cease fire is not in the President’s interest: the Jewish lobby provides a lot of money and there is an election coming up.

Lip service is all that is truly given by the US, as Israel’s continual bombardment of the people in the Gaza strip (all that Palestinians have left of their much bigger country) continues.

As I sit here typing I am seeing pictures of Palestinian refugees who have been bombed in Rafa. Rafa was where the Israelis told all the Palestinians to go, now herded into a very small area, the bombing of them will be more effective.

The Israelis have systematically killed the breeders and their children, the medical facilities and the medics, so life and maintaining life has become impossible. Now the final clearance of the survivors in the very tip of Gaza has commenced.

It has already begun a couple of days ago despite what our Western media tells us.


June 1967

The War in June or The Six Day War so called for the Palestinians or Israelis respectively.

Israel started a war with its neighbours and within 6 days they had defeated the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

The consequences are still felt across the Middle East today. It altered the political and military landscape, expanded Israel’s territorial claims and established Israel’s military dominance in the region.

As a result the US started investing heavily into Israel.  Suddenly Israel was the dominant military presence and they were an ally.

Israel became a geopolitical asset – by investing into the occupation of Israel, the US was ensuring there was no vacuum for Iran, China or Russia to fill. It would keep all 3 powers limited in the Middle East.


The New Ceasefire To Be proposed by the US is Not Such.

Today US has just vetoed a cease fire in Gaza – FOR THE FOURTH TIME!

They say this is because they have written a much better proposal.

They say their proposal is more effective than the Algerian’s  because it’s more likely to go through.

But the US proposal says Hamas has to relinquish all hostages and they won’t have an incentive if they are ‘given’ a ceasefire.

‘Given’ a ceasefire? The Palestinians seem to be simply collateral damage in their calculations.

Why would Hamas hand over all the hostages in one go? Holding some hostages is the only leverage they have to obtain an end to the violence and to prolong a temporary ceasefire into a longer one.

While they do have the hostages,  the world’s eyes are on Gaza . And for the first time, over the last three months, the whole world has been educated as to the true plight of the occupied and oppressed Palestinian people.

What the US veto has done,  is allow more time for the remaining part of Palestine to be carpet bombed, the violent and illegal settlers to terrorise and remove any Palestinians left in Israeli occupied territory – and the continual murder of the people who relocated to the tip of Gaza under Israelis instructions.

As Riyad Mansour said this evening, the US block on the ceasefire is a green light to Israel.

I agree. Yet more Palestinians will be killed.

I am ashamed this country abstained.

I appreciate we are dependant on America’s military power, but in the face of such well documented atrocities, I feel angry that a cease fire couldn’t be supported on the grounds of humanity.


Israeli Redevelopment of the Land of Palestine.

Many Iraeli Zionists have already registered for resettlement parcels of land in Gaza.

Luckily, this isn’t great politically for the US as they need to be seen to saving some land for the Palestinians  – but I doubt it will be much.

Israel is too important a military outpost for the States in the middle of the Middle East so a balance has to be seen to be established, politically.

The US must be seen as caring about whether Palestine ceases to exist or not, to the Arabic countries.



A New Case Against Israel’s Occupation Begun Yesterday at The International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice began hearings on Monday (19th Feb 2024) for a case against Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, just a month after it issued a series of directions to Tel Aviv in the famous case brought by South Africa, I mentioned above, in which it is accused of genocidal acts in the Gaza Strip.

Al Jazeera:  ‘In a first-of-its-kind case, at least 52 countries will present arguments on controversial Israeli policies in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and occupied East Jerusalem. It’s the largest number of parties to participate in any single ICJ case since the court was established in 1945’.

The case has been building for a while,  but is now receiving more publicity because of the new wave of genocidal events in Palestine.

to reiterate, over 52 countries are giving evidence and testimonies as to why they think this unlawful occupation of the Israelis in Palestine must end.


Today World Food Programme Has Suspended Aid into Gaza

The Israeli Defence Force army is  targeting aid convoys.

The WFP has had to suspend food deliveries because of their duty of care to their staff and the IDF also shoot the Palestinians who come to the trucks for food and aid.

This has made attempted distribution of food and aid completely unsafe

According  to a representative from the World Food Program, 50% of children under 2 years old, are now facing acute starvation.


 Zionist Israel is not representative of the World’s Jews.

My father died when I was young but I am sure he would be so upset with what is happening and feel a huge sense of guilt that he was part of the establishment of this monstrous, racist and fascist state.

Jews around the world are now suffering prejudice due to this Zionist’s Israeli State – but so many Jews disagree with the very existence of Israel.

I talked to some Orthodox Jews demonstrating outside the Israeli Embassy in London, “Not in our name” was the sentiment.

Infact a lot of Jews totally disagree with the Zionist Israelis’ occupation of the Palestinian land

As everyone seems scared of Israel, they have amassed such wealth and have the most successful arms business in the world, I cannot see how this is going to unfold for the Palestinians.


Currently in Palestine Now

At this very moment Israel is bombing the refugee cap in Jenin in the Occupied West Bank and they have blocked all ambulances.

The facts clearly point to genoocide.



A premature baby found hanging ‘on a tree’  as result of shelling and was saved.

A medic named her ‘Angle’

Her parents killed, her extended family killed, nobody has claimed this little premature baby and so she was named Malak which in Arabic means Angel.

Malak’s situation is one of many..


I Have No End To This Blog

I send money for food for Palestine via Share The Meal app on my phone and I urge you to do so also.

The Zionist Israelis want these people to die, if not of bombs, of infections and starvation.

Collectively those of us who care must raise whatever voice we have…


Update on 21st February 2024

Palestinians in Rafa are being bombed. Their tents bombed.  The women and children were ordered to the beach without a scarf or a coat and made to stay on the beach all night.

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