

Interview Technique Preparation

By |March 13th, 2023|Categories: accent reduction, accent softening, articulation, attractive tone, BBC, BBC English, better accent, better income, bright tone, business presentation, business succes, career advancement, clarity, clear speech, confidence, educated, effective communication, effective speech, eliminate shyness, Elocution, eloucution, fun learning, interview coaching, interview online lessons, interview technique, interview techniques, online interview coaching, online learning, online lessons, online teaching, presentation, Public Speaking, skype lessons, skype video lessons, speak well, standard English, voice coach, Voice coaching, voicecoach, zoom interview coaching, Zoom Lessons|

Interview Technique Preparation I recently had a student who came [...]

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By |April 19th, 2022|Categories: accent reduction, accent softening, articulation, attractive tone, BBC Documentary, BBC English, BBC Journalism, better accent, better income, bright tone, business presentation, career advancement, clarity, clear speech, confidence, educated, effective communication, effective speech, Elocution, eloucution, entertainment, fun learning, inspiring, more money, online interview coaching, online learning, online lessons, online teaching, Public Speaking, public speaking training in London, skype lessons, skype video lessons, voice coach, Voice coaching, voicecoach, wealth, zoom interview coaching, Zoom Lessons|

Everyday I post videos on my FB page of Zelensky [...]

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English Elocution & Public Speaking

By |January 4th, 2022|Categories: accent reduction, accent softening, articulation, attractive tone, BBC, BBC English, BBC Journalism, BBC Radio, better accent, better income, bright tone, business presentation, career advancement, clarity, class, clear speech, confidence, educated, effective communication, effective speech, eliminate shyness, Elocution, fun learning, interview coaching, interview online lessons, interview technique, London voice coach, more money, online interview coaching, online learning, online lessons, online teaching, performing, presentation, promotion, Public Speaking, public speaking training in London, radio 4, received pronunciation, singing lessons, skype lessons, skype video lessons, sounding well educated, speak well, standard English, success, Tips and Tricks, vocal coach, voice coach, Voice coaching, voicecoach, warm voice, wealth, wealth building, zoom interview coaching, Zoom Lessons|

English Elocution & Public Speaking Why I feel passionate about [...]

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