Accents, Voice Coaching and the BBC World Service

Accents, Voice Coaching and the BBC World Service The BBC World Service contacted me this morning, regarding accents and voice coaching, for an interview about a wonderful new film opening on March 1st. Everyone has heard of Chiwetel Ejiofor and will be aware of his universally acknowledged acting ability - remember 12 Years A Slave? [...]

By |2019-02-01T22:45:59+00:00February 1st, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Improving Your Speech

Improving Your Speech Improving your speech and so the accent in which you pronounce your words in English, is not about being disloyal to your region of birth, upbringing, friends or family Wherever you are from, there is an optimum way to deliver the language of English, so that all your words can be heard [...]

By |2018-11-19T22:18:38+00:00November 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Improving Your Speech

British Accent

British Accent For learning a British Accent: I have just received the most delightful review by a Cambridge post grad and top banker, whom explains very well, how I work.  Rachel is not like other voice coaches, she is one of a kind. Despite having lived, studied and worked in the UK for a long time, I [...]

By |2018-09-12T16:18:56+00:00September 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on British Accent

Rachel Preece The Voice Geek

My name, Rachel Preece The Voice Geek, came about after watching 'The Big Bang' - have you ever watched this? It's a hilarious tv program about some geeks and their funny social behaviours and I completely fell in love with the Aspergers character, Sheldon. I felt an affinity with Sheldon. Being a bit of a [...]

By |2018-09-11T12:10:24+00:00September 10th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Rachel Preece The Voice Geek

Voice Coaching

Why I Love Voice Coaching There are many reasons why I love voice coaching:  I love helping people who are scared, how to do their business presentations ... I love teaching people how easy it is to reduce their accent and acquire a more neutral British accent, that won't pigeonhole them! I love  teaching voice [...]

By |2018-07-25T21:57:38+00:00July 25th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Voice Coaching

Clever People Talk Quickly

Clever People Talk Quickly Clever people talk quickly - it's a fact of life. Clever people talk quickly, because their brains work quickly - like they have have an i7 processor (latest speeds of computers' abilities to process information ) rather than an i5 or even an i3. Clients often come to me saying, "I [...]

By |2018-07-08T19:57:53+00:00July 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Clever People Talk Quickly

Easter Break Audio Treats

  Easter Break Audio Treats ... that won't make you fat! Here are a list of Easter Break Audio Treats - performed by people with great voices to learn from.. So sit back, kick your shoes off, click on a title you fancy and indulge! ... with absolutely no guilt...  while you feast :)  In [...]

Learning A Well Educated English Accent

Learning A Well Educated English Accent Can someone really learn a well educated English accent and so change the way people perceive them? Yes they can. I currently have a delightful Russian student, who came to me speaking in an accent that sounded rather like a cocktail of the Midlands, mixed with the East End [...]

A Well Educated English Accent

Rachel taught me A Well Educated English Accent My name is Alex and although I am Russian and grew up there, under Rachel's guidance, I can now speak with a well educated English accent on a daily basis. I can now sound as if I had attended a top English private school and then Oxford [...]

Changing Your Voice

Changing Your Voice If you want to see one of the best examples of changing your voice, go and see the successful and well known Irish actor  Garrett Phillips, do an incredibly accurate impersonation of the late and great, Frank Sinatra in The Rat Pack Live from Las Vegas at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London. [...]

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