Elocution Homework

For some elocution homework I have a very pleasurable suggestion.
BBC Radio 4
A very interesting series on Radio 4 called Britain at Sea written & presented by Admiral Lord West, is being broadcast on Radio 4 – and he does have a wonderful voice!
A Great Voice To Learn From
Admiral Lord West’s diction is excellent: his separation of his words when he speaks, his clearly enunciated consonants at the end of each word, makes every sentence delivered clearly.
His annunciation is immaculate & his phrasing & musicality for a non voice professional – is great!
Although there are many previous episodes I am sending you today’s which I think is jolly interesting.
It is only fourteen minutes so could be listened to whilst cooking supper etc
I do hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.
If you do, you will be able to access previous episodes too… from the link.
Your Elocution Homework
Britain At Sea narrated by Admiral Lord West
How To Improve Your Diction
This link will teach you how to improve your accent in which ever way you would like to do so.