Elocution and Accent Reduction

For elocution and accent reduction you cannot find a better entertaining study resource than that of the brilliantly dramatised and produced BBC Radio 4 drama series of The Forsyte Saga chronicles by John Galsworthy.
For a brief amount of time, the BBC Radio 4 have made the complete series of The Forsyte Saga available on the iPlayer, which is a fantastic opportunity for anyone studying elocution and accent reduction because it is full of the most wonderful voices and it is, oh, so beautifully acted.
Starting at Episode One you will be able to enjoy getting to know the characters really well as you grow with them, learning from John Galsworthy’s wisdom, insightfulness and close observation of human nature…
You will enjoy the characters’ ups and feel their downs, while hearing interesting historical socio and economic details and most importantly – voices that are a joy to listen to as all are well spoken without exception: all the actors deliver clear and expressive speech.
John Galsworthy is a wonderful writer and chronicler of English society and his Forsyte family novels span three generations, over 50 years, starting in London during 1886.
One of my students studying elocution and accent reduction, just texted me saying she is absolutely loving it and I am sure you will too.
Please hurry though, as they will only be FREE on the BBC Iplayer for a very short time before you will have to pay for them Amazon Audible – so make haste!
And listen now!
The Forsyte Saga – Episode One
This will be the most enjoyable elocution and accent reduction homework you have done yet 🙂
Please make sure you observe how long the episodes you want to listen to, are available: once you are hooked, you will want to listen to all 26! Don’t worry most of them are only 13 minutes long 🙂