Accent and Accents

Accent and Accents Recently, Kaye Adams on BBC Radio Scotland interviewed me about accent and accents regarding one of the Scottish characters in The Haunting of Bligh Manor. Have a listen - BBC INTERVIEW    it's all about accent and accents and the balance between authenticity and clarity. It  may help you resolve any concerns [...]

Great Voices To Learn From

Great Voices To Learn From Great Voices To Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, researched by me, whose voices are perfect for you to listen to and learn from, in order that your speech and quality of voice, become more attractive... We speak as we hear, hence we pick [...]

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama broadcasted a dramatised version of a collection of stories called, The Barchester Chronicles, on Sundays at 3pm and the production was brilliant. Listening to good radio drama, on BBC Sounds Radio Four, is a fantastic way to learn elocution, public speaking and effective speaking, because [...]

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