Elocution & Accent Reduction with BBC Radio 4

Elocution & Accent Reduction with BBC Radio 4 Studying elocution & accent reduction with BBC Radio 4 is a wonderful tool to help you, because no one can get a job on Radio 4 unless they speak clearly so this really will enhance your training with me. I teach you the engineering - what is [...]

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama broadcasted a dramatised version of a collection of stories called, The Barchester Chronicles, on Sundays at 3pm and the production was brilliant. Listening to good radio drama, on BBC Sounds Radio Four, is a fantastic way to learn elocution, public speaking and effective speaking, because [...]

Using a Variety of Techniques for Public Speaking & Elocution

One of the techniques I teach for Public Speaking & Elocution, creating a bright, open, attractively toned voice, is a singing discipline I learned from my late singing teacher Ian Adam. He was a wonderful man whom believed and proved, as I have done using his techniques, that ANYONE can sing. And indeed using his [...]

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