Change the Way You Speak

Change the Way You Speak To change the way you speak takes focus and dedication and is a little more time consuming than most people expect! But when you do put the time and effort in you really do reap the benefits and you really can, change the way you speak. A wonderful example of [...]

Did You Know Having A Better Accent = Better Income?

Did You Know Better Accent = Better Income?      ...discussed On BBC Radio 5 Live Do you believe a Better Accent = Better Income?  BBC Radio 5, asked me to do a 30 minutes live discussion on how people are changing their accents to improve their career path to [...]

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles! This Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles is to spread the love... A 40% DISCOUNT for Valentines week - bring a friend along, no matter whether your lover or cleaner and have a lesson for two for the price for one! Valentines treats are for everyone  - not just those [...]

Trump versus Clinton: Public Speaking and Presentation Analysis

The Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, public speaking styles in this most recent Presidential Debate, continue to be markedly different. I have just watched the second presidential debate between Hillary and Trump and have been so impressed by Hillary’s public speaking delivery and presentation skills. Despite a barrage of insults, over talking, interruptions and verbal bullying [...]

More Great Voices To Learn From

More Great Voices, To Learn From More Great Voices to Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, whose voices are perfect for your ongoing training of excellent elocution. And, how you can access them, 24hrs a day... The list contains 40 names you can put into the Audible search box (Amazon’s [...]

Celebrating Roald Dahl and Entertaining Excellent Elocution Voice Coaching

Celebrating Roald Dahl and Entertaining Excellent Elocution Voice Coaching A hundred years ago, one of our best loved writers was born, Roald Dahl. This week Radio 4 is celebrating the life and works of this highly talented author, with various entertaining and delightful productions. So in this blog I am celebrating Roald Dahl and entertaining excellent elocution [...]

Great Voices To Learn From…

Great Voices To Learn From This week I am giving you a list of great voices to learn from... You can tap them in to Audible to hear them a read a book of your choice. This type of accent learning is incredible helpful as they literally become the voice in your head. Have you [...]

Speech Clarity and Elocution Voice Coaching

Speech Clarity and Elocution Voice Coaching For speech clarity and elocution voice coaching, this, the last episode of the present series of the Forsytes has certainly been up to the usual high standard.. This production is perfect for audio brain washing and you can download this series from the beginning if you haven't had  a [...]

Elocution and Voice Coaching for Speech Clarity and Accent Reduction

For elocution and voice coaching for speech clarity and accent reduction, this is a homework delight! By relaxing and listening, you can practice your elocution or speech clarity or accent reduction and even preparation for public speaking, by absorbing excellent English pronunciation in a thoroughly enjoyable way. This really is.. a dramatic treat... BBC Radio [...]

How to speak and present like Michelle Obama

America's First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at SXSW's Let Girls Learn conference, is a tour de force. Wow. How talented and polished is this lady at public speaking and presenting! She is so inspiring. She talks from the heart looking effortlessly relaxed and elegant, womanly and sexy, with not a trace of I'm dressing like a [...]

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