New Year, New Voice Skills

Voice Skills Hello, well I've just finished listing all my New Year Goals, have you? How about New Voice Skills? Having reviewed last year's goals I have achieved half of them which I'm okay-ish with,  but -  could do better! :) Another great exercise to do,  is to make A Good Riddance list - an [...]

English Elocution & Public Speaking

English Elocution & Public Speaking Why I feel passionate about teaching English Elocution, Public Speaking and Accent Clarity. I came from a fairly privileged upbringing. I was lucky enough to enjoy private education up until I was 19, where speaking up and clearly was part of surviving and thriving in the environment. I talk like [...]

Singing Lessons

Singing Lessons Singing was and is my first love and I do my Ian Adam's (a renowned and great singing teacher) exercises everyday! Teaching singing lessons is great fun for teacher and student and I find it massively rewarding as my students smile and gain skills,  and a lot of confidence... I let go of [...]

Public Speaking Check List

Public Speaking Check List Here is a Public Speaking Check List that will give you a framework of strategies to work through... People often phone me in a panic, regarding their imminent public speaking event and cry, "It's in three days! Please help!" Then they might say, " I have one  hour to work [...]

BBC Radio Drama

BBC Radio Drama Listening to BBC Radio Drama - is the best and most enjoyable homework you can do - and very effective! And it's - FREE! In a really good production, whatever the accent, the diction is superb so you can hear and understand every word - what a fun way to do [...]

Easter Break Audio Treats

  Easter Break Audio Treats ... that won't make you fat! Here are a list of Easter Break Audio Treats - performed by people with great voices to learn from.. So sit back, kick your shoes off, click on a title you fancy and indulge! ... with absolutely no guilt...  while you feast :)  In [...]

Spooky Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking

Are You Frightened of Public Speaking? Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking Are you frightened of Public Speaking and dread it when you know you are going to have to do it? This is a very common problem. Public Speaking can be terrifying if you don't know what you are doing or have techniques to [...]

Did You Know Having A Better Accent = Better Income?

Did You Know Better Accent = Better Income?      ...discussed On BBC Radio 5 Live Do you believe a Better Accent = Better Income?  BBC Radio 5, asked me to do a 30 minutes live discussion on how people are changing their accents to improve their career path to [...]

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles! This Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles is to spread the love... A 40% DISCOUNT for Valentines week - bring a friend along, no matter whether your lover or cleaner and have a lesson for two for the price for one! Valentines treats are for everyone  - not just those [...]

Trump versus Clinton: Public Speaking and Presentation Analysis

The Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, public speaking styles in this most recent Presidential Debate, continue to be markedly different. I have just watched the second presidential debate between Hillary and Trump and have been so impressed by Hillary’s public speaking delivery and presentation skills. Despite a barrage of insults, over talking, interruptions and verbal bullying [...]

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