Public Speaking Check List

Public Speaking Check List Here is a Public Speaking Check List that will give you a framework of strategies to work through... People often phone me in a panic, regarding their imminent public speaking event and cry, "It's in three days! Please help!" Then they might say, " I have one  hour to work [...]

Great Voices To Learn From

Great Voices To Learn From Great Voices To Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, researched by me, whose voices are perfect for you to listen to and learn from, in order that your speech and quality of voice, become more attractive... We speak as we hear, hence we pick [...]

BBC Radio Drama

BBC Radio Drama Listening to BBC Radio Drama - is the best and most enjoyable homework you can do - and very effective! And it's - FREE! In a really good production, whatever the accent, the diction is superb so you can hear and understand every word - what a fun way to do [...]

Spooky Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking

Are You Frightened of Public Speaking? Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking Are you frightened of Public Speaking and dread it when you know you are going to have to do it? This is a very common problem. Public Speaking can be terrifying if you don't know what you are doing or have techniques to [...]

Did You Know Having A Better Accent = Better Income?

Did You Know Better Accent = Better Income?      ...discussed On BBC Radio 5 Live Do you believe a Better Accent = Better Income?  BBC Radio 5, asked me to do a 30 minutes live discussion on how people are changing their accents to improve their career path to [...]

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles! This Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles is to spread the love... A 40% DISCOUNT for Valentines week - bring a friend along, no matter whether your lover or cleaner and have a lesson for two for the price for one! Valentines treats are for everyone  - not just those [...]

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama broadcasted a dramatised version of a collection of stories called, The Barchester Chronicles, on Sundays at 3pm and the production was brilliant. Listening to good radio drama, on BBC Sounds Radio Four, is a fantastic way to learn elocution, public speaking and effective speaking, because [...]

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