Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles! This Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles is to spread the love... A 40% DISCOUNT for Valentines week - bring a friend along, no matter whether your lover or cleaner and have a lesson for two for the price for one! Valentines treats are for everyone  - not just those [...]

More Great Voices To Learn From

More Great Voices, To Learn From More Great Voices to Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, whose voices are perfect for your ongoing training of excellent elocution. And, how you can access them, 24hrs a day... The list contains 40 names you can put into the Audible search box (Amazon’s [...]

Celebrating Roald Dahl and Entertaining Excellent Elocution Voice Coaching

Celebrating Roald Dahl and Entertaining Excellent Elocution Voice Coaching A hundred years ago, one of our best loved writers was born, Roald Dahl. This week Radio 4 is celebrating the life and works of this highly talented author, with various entertaining and delightful productions. So in this blog I am celebrating Roald Dahl and entertaining excellent elocution [...]

Speech Clarity and Elocution Voice Coaching

Speech Clarity and Elocution Voice Coaching For speech clarity and elocution voice coaching, this, the last episode of the present series of the Forsytes has certainly been up to the usual high standard.. This production is perfect for audio brain washing and you can download this series from the beginning if you haven't had  a [...]

Elocution & Accent Reduction with BBC Radio 4

Elocution & Accent Reduction with BBC Radio 4 Studying elocution & accent reduction with BBC Radio 4 is a wonderful tool to help you, because no one can get a job on Radio 4 unless they speak clearly so this really will enhance your training with me. I teach you the engineering - what is [...]

Elocution & Public & Effective Speaking

Very Entertaining Homework – I promise! Radio Four is broadcasting a dramatized version of The Barchester Chronicles on Sundays at 3pm and it’s brilliant.   The scripts are well written and the acting is excellent. You can download  the broadcasts from the Iplayer at your convenience from this link:   BBC Radio 4 – The [...]

It’s All In The Tongue!

I am  becoming a geek... and loving it. I always secretly admired geeks. My ex was an electric organ geek, as well as a cycling geek and I happily listened to him for hours as he described in minute details the workings of a 1960 Hammond Organ and the gradients of another vertical mountain pass. [...]

It’s not about Class or Regional Accents ~ it’s about Clarity

Clarity is not about 'Class' or Regional Accents.  You only have to watch Eastenders to learn about this. If those actors genuinely spoke as if they sold fruit on the North End Road in Fulham let alone London's Eastend - the BBC would not be able to sell that programme all around the world. And [...]

English T’s and D’s

English T's and D's Keep saying your English T's and D's - really - just keep on, keeping on.....  I was listening to one of the Olympic Bid Team youngsters talking on my beloved Radio 4 and he was recounting the advice the advice his friend and mentor, Olympic gold medalist, had given him. "If [...]

Public Speaking Help

Public Speaking Help Public Speaking help needed is more common than you might think... This will sound shock you as it did me but research has found that people are more frightened of public speaking, than dying! It is the No. 1 fear! So, if this is your fear, you are not alone, in fact [...]

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