Speech Clarity (or Clear Speech)

Quick Wins For Speech Clarity Dear Reader, lack of Speech Clarity is the most common problem I come across and I urge you to read below and have a go. Free Lesson on Speech Clarity (my recent newsletter) Okay, so the most common problems that people arrive with, either in person at my flat, or [...]

New Year, New Voice Skills

Voice Skills Hello, well I've just finished listing all my New Year Goals, have you? How about New Voice Skills? Having reviewed last year's goals I have achieved half of them which I'm okay-ish with,  but -  could do better! :) Another great exercise to do,  is to make A Good Riddance list - an [...]

Accent Reduction For Chinese People

Accent Reduction For Chinese People Chinese speakers love my training because they can achieve quick results, after a life time of difficulties! I want great results, quickly. Using a scientific approach, I have developed a curriculum that is dependable and reliable. Chinese speakers notice a huge change in their clarity immediately, as I simply tell [...]

How To Learn The English Speech Rhythm

How To Learn The English Speech Rhythm One of my favourite things in life is Shakespeare (who uses/used the natural English Speech Rhythm)  BUT before you leave :)  so many actors massacre it - deliver the 500 years old words without the essential rhythm, destroying your understanding  of it and making it sound like gobbledygook. [...]

My Favourite Female Voice

My Favourite Female Voice My favourite female voice over voice of the moment, isn't actually English - she's American - and I first heard her voice on Julia Cameron's famous and wonderful book - The Artist's Way. This woman - Eliza Foss - has music in her soul and diction that could cut like a [...]

Women and Negotiation

Women and Negotiation Women and negotiation is a very apt topic in this world of current discord. The massacre in Palestine continues to clear the land for the Israelis, who are already registering interest on land parcels and where Isreal is not bombing, they are evicting Palestinians from their homes to appropriate for new Israeli [...]

Palestine and the Palestinians

Genocide in Palestine I'm finding it difficult to think of other things than the mass murder in Palestine. I know I should be writing about voice coaching - but there is a point here - without a voice, without clear speech, without the translators, the journalists, the brave cameramen whether the professional press or the [...]

Is Voice Coaching Worth it?

Is Voice Coaching Worth It? Is Voice Coaching is worth it? Of course I think it is, but that begs the retort - well she would say that wouldn't she?! So, I will explain why I think Voice Coaching IS worth it I had voice coaching at the National Youth Theatre for two years; at [...]

English Pronunciation

The Madness of English Pronunciation The pronunciation of well spoken English, can seem a little barmy. Seriously. I am indigenous and can trace my family back at least a thousand years on one side and more on the other, but I still think the spelling versus the pronunciation of well spoken English - is extremely [...]

Zoom Interviews

Zoom Interviews Presentation I recently worked with a young man just out of university, for his Zoom Interviews. He had recently finished university and was applying for his first serious office job in law firms.  He was living in another country and so all his initial interviews were on line. We were communicating via WhatsApp [...]

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