New Year, New Voice Skills

Voice Skills Hello, well I've just finished listing all my New Year Goals, have you? How about New Voice Skills? Having reviewed last year's goals I have achieved half of them which I'm okay-ish with,  but -  could do better! :) Another great exercise to do,  is to make A Good Riddance list - an [...]

Wedding Speeches

Wedding Speeches: Tips For The Groom or Bride; Best Woman or Man; Mums or Dads I love helping people, mostly dads, grooms, best men etc - no women to-date :) - ladies step up please! :) - prepare their wedding speeches. It's such a joyous affair and my students grow from fear to actually enjoying [...]

Public Speaking Check List

Public Speaking Check List Here is a Public Speaking Check List that will give you a framework of strategies to work through... People often phone me in a panic, regarding their imminent public speaking event and cry, "It's in three days! Please help!" Then they might say, " I have one  hour to work [...]

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