New Year, New Voice Skills

Voice Skills Hello, well I've just finished listing all my New Year Goals, have you? How about New Voice Skills? Having reviewed last year's goals I have achieved half of them which I'm okay-ish with,  but -  could do better! :) Another great exercise to do,  is to make A Good Riddance list - an [...]

Wedding Speeches

Wedding Speeches: Tips For The Groom or Bride; Best Woman or Man; Mums or Dads I love helping people, mostly dads, grooms, best men etc - no women to-date :) - ladies step up please! :) - prepare their wedding speeches. It's such a joyous affair and my students grow from fear to actually enjoying [...]

How To Learn The English Speech Rhythm

How To Learn The English Speech Rhythm One of my favourite things in life is Shakespeare (who uses/used the natural English Speech Rhythm)  BUT before you leave :)  so many actors massacre it - deliver the 500 years old words without the essential rhythm, destroying your understanding  of it and making it sound like gobbledygook. [...]

English Pronunciation

The Madness of English Pronunciation The pronunciation of well spoken English, can seem a little barmy. Seriously. I am indigenous and can trace my family back at least a thousand years on one side and more on the other, but I still think the spelling versus the pronunciation of well spoken English - is extremely [...]

Learning A British Accent

Learning A British Accent by a Lovely Ex-Student :) For learning a British Accent: I have received the most delightful review by a Cambridge post grad and top banker, who explains very well, how I work. Rachel Learning A British Accent Rachel is not like other voice coaches, she is one of a kind. Despite [...]

Zoom Interviews

Zoom Interviews Presentation I recently worked with a young man just out of university, for his Zoom Interviews. He had recently finished university and was applying for his first serious office job in law firms.  He was living in another country and so all his initial interviews were on line. We were communicating via WhatsApp [...]

Young People Elocution

Young People Elocution I love teaching young people elocution and interview techniques for their 11+ or their university interviews, or for general confidence and improved communication skills. It's exciting to watch them blossom with confidence and have fun learning. I used to teach 3yr olds to 18 year olds at a drama school and I [...]

Learn An Accent

Learn An Accent Is It Difficult To Learn An Accent? The most important thing to remember is, to learn an accent, however bad you think might be at this, it is a matter of internal engineering which you can learn from me ie tongue and jaw positions and obsession :) Obstacles to 'Learn An Accent' [...]

English Elocution & Public Speaking

English Elocution & Public Speaking Why I feel passionate about teaching English Elocution, Public Speaking and Accent Clarity. I came from a fairly privileged upbringing. I was lucky enough to enjoy private education up until I was 19, where speaking up and clearly was part of surviving and thriving in the environment. I talk like [...]

Singing Lessons

Singing Lessons Singing was and is my first love and I do my Ian Adam's (a renowned and great singing teacher) exercises everyday! Teaching singing lessons is great fun for teacher and student and I find it massively rewarding as my students smile and gain skills,  and a lot of confidence... I let go of [...]

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