Elocution Homework

Elocution Homework For some elocution homework I have a very pleasurable suggestion. BBC Radio 4 A very interesting series on Radio 4 called Britain at Sea written & presented by Admiral Lord West, is being broadcast on Radio 4 - and he does have a wonderful voice!   A Great Voice To Learn From Admiral [...]

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama broadcasted a dramatised version of a collection of stories called, The Barchester Chronicles, on Sundays at 3pm and the production was brilliant. Listening to good radio drama, on BBC Sounds Radio Four, is a fantastic way to learn elocution, public speaking and effective speaking, because [...]

Using a Variety of Techniques for Public Speaking & Elocution

One of the techniques I teach for Public Speaking & Elocution, creating a bright, open, attractively toned voice, is a singing discipline I learned from my late singing teacher Ian Adam. He was a wonderful man whom believed and proved, as I have done using his techniques, that ANYONE can sing. And indeed using his [...]

Audio Homework for Clear Standard English

Listening to well spoken English is essential for your progress, so I am sending you a link of a very interesting audio programme - all spoken in clear standard English - called Our Own Correspondent - a selection of audio articles submitted from BBC  journalists working around the world. This an opportunity for you to [...]

It’s All In The Tongue!

I am  becoming a geek... and loving it. I always secretly admired geeks. My ex was an electric organ geek, as well as a cycling geek and I happily listened to him for hours as he described in minute details the workings of a 1960 Hammond Organ and the gradients of another vertical mountain pass. [...]

It’s not about Class or Regional Accents ~ it’s about Clarity

Clarity is not about 'Class' or Regional Accents.  You only have to watch Eastenders to learn about this. If those actors genuinely spoke as if they sold fruit on the North End Road in Fulham let alone London's Eastend - the BBC would not be able to sell that programme all around the world. And [...]

English T’s and D’s

English T's and D's Keep saying your English T's and D's - really - just keep on, keeping on.....  I was listening to one of the Olympic Bid Team youngsters talking on my beloved Radio 4 and he was recounting the advice the advice his friend and mentor, Olympic gold medalist, had given him. "If [...]

Public Speaking Help

Public Speaking Help Public Speaking help needed is more common than you might think... This will sound shock you as it did me but research has found that people are more frightened of public speaking, than dying! It is the No. 1 fear! So, if this is your fear, you are not alone, in fact [...]

Skype Video Lessons

Skype Video Lessons Skype Video lessons are extremely effective and time and money saving for the student. And, the results are SO good! Doing Skype Video lessons with the computer camera focused on our faces, allows me and you, to watch very carefully where your tongue is being placed, the shape of our mouths and [...]

Speaking Clearly & Effectively Creates Self Confidence

Speaking Clearly & Effectively Creates Self Confidence Speaking cleary & effectively creates self confidence and at last it is fashionable to speak clearly and effectively, which in turn, as my students know for sure, creates self confidence. For the last ten years or so, if I was recording an advert, I was frequently told, " [...]

By |2017-05-16T12:52:25+00:00May 8th, 2012|accent reduction, accent softening, articulation, clear speech, confidence, effective speech, eloucution, heightened received pronounciation, London voice coach, speak well, standard English, voice coach|Comments Off on Speaking Clearly & Effectively Creates Self Confidence
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