Great Voices To Learn From…

Great Voices To Learn From This week I am giving you a list of great voices to learn from... You can tap them in to Audible to hear them a read a book of your choice. This type of accent learning is incredible helpful as they literally become the voice in your head. Have you [...]

Elocution and Voice Coaching for Speech Clarity and Accent Reduction

For elocution and voice coaching for speech clarity and accent reduction, this is a homework delight! By relaxing and listening, you can practice your elocution or speech clarity or accent reduction and even preparation for public speaking, by absorbing excellent English pronunciation in a thoroughly enjoyable way. This really is.. a dramatic treat... BBC Radio [...]

How to speak and present like Michelle Obama

America's First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at SXSW'sĀ Let Girls Learn conference, is a tour de force. Wow. How talented and polished is this lady at public speaking and presenting! She is so inspiring. She talks from the heart looking effortlessly relaxed and elegant, womanly and sexy, with not a trace of I'm dressing like a [...]

Standard English Pronunciation, Elocution, Public Speaking Audio Voice Coaching

Last week I said I would compile a list of recommendations you could purchase forĀ elocution public speaking accent softening audio learning, from Audible (Amazon's Audio Books). This is a really pleasurable way of improving your elocution or acheive accent softening whilst listening to some great drama.. Here are my two favourite productions so far:Ā first broadcast [...]


Elocution Learning excellent elocution should be fun. I have just finished listening to The Forsytes Ā ~ on BBC Radio 4. It's a dramatised version of the novels by John Galsworthy, dramatised for radio by Shaun McKenna and it is wonderful and great for improving your elocution! Over the next two years, BBC Radio 4 is [...]

Elocution Homework

Elocution Homework For some elocution homework I have a very pleasurable suggestion. BBC Radio 4 A very interesting series on Radio 4 called Britain at Sea written & presented by Admiral Lord West, is being broadcast on Radio 4 - and he does have a wonderful voice! Ā  A Great Voice To Learn From Admiral [...]

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama

BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama BBC Sounds Radio Four Drama broadcasted a dramatised version of a collection of stories called, The Barchester Chronicles, on Sundays at 3pm and the production was brilliant. Listening to good radio drama, on BBC Sounds Radio Four, is a fantastic way to learn elocution, public speaking and effective speaking, because [...]

A Great Speaker …was Margaret Thatcher

The death of Margaret Thatcher has brought up a lot of mixed emotions, for me and a lot of other people. As a girl, at a blue stocking girls' school, I was immensely proud and can still remember the day, vividly, when she was voted into power. The first woman prime minister and only a [...]

Using a Variety of Techniques for Public Speaking & Elocution

One of the techniques I teach for Public Speaking & Elocution, creating a bright, open, attractively toned voice, is a singing discipline I learned from my late singing teacher Ian Adam. He was a wonderful man whom believed and proved, as I have done using his techniques, that ANYONE can sing. And indeed using his [...]

It’s All In The Tongue!

I amĀ  becoming a geek... and loving it. I always secretly admired geeks. My ex was an electric organ geek, as well as a cycling geek and I happily listened to him for hours as he described in minute details the workings of a 1960 Hammond Organ and the gradients of another vertical mountain pass. [...]

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