Great Voices To Learn From

Great Voices To Learn From Great Voices To Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, researched by me, whose voices are perfect for you to listen to and learn from, in order that your speech and quality of voice, become more attractive... We speak as we hear, hence we pick [...]

Social Mobility

Social Mobility Social Mobility is desired by most people who work hard for themselves and their family. Hashi Mohamed - one of my voice heroes - has made and presented a fascinating BBC R4  program, about social mobility. Hashi came to the UK as a nine year old Somalian: an unaccompanied, child refugee. At first he didn't [...]

How to Perform Public Speaking (With or Without A Dry Throat)

How to Perform Public Speaking (With or Without A Dry Throat) Last week the Daily Telegraph called me, to interview me, on how Theresa May could have coped public speaking, with a dry throat. Water, water and more water – is the simple answer. Lozenges work because they make you swallow, but water is much [...]

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