BBC Radio Drama

BBC Radio Drama Listening to BBC Radio Drama - is the best and most enjoyable homework you can do - and very effective! And it's - FREE! In a really good production, whatever the accent, the diction is superb so you can hear and understand every word - what a fun way to do [...]

Easter Break Audio Treats

  Easter Break Audio Treats ... that won't make you fat! Here are a list of Easter Break Audio Treats - performed by people with great voices to learn from.. So sit back, kick your shoes off, click on a title you fancy and indulge! ... with absolutely no guilt...  while you feast :)  In [...]

Learning A Well Educated English Accent

Learning A Well Educated English Accent Can someone really learn a well educated English accent and so change the way people perceive them? Yes they can. I currently have a delightful Russian student, who came to me speaking in an accent that sounded rather like a cocktail of the Midlands, mixed with the East End [...]

A Well Educated English Accent

Rachel taught me A Well Educated English Accent My name is Alex and although I am Russian and grew up there, under Rachel's guidance, I can now speak with a well educated English accent on a daily basis. I can now sound as if I had attended a top English private school and then Oxford [...]

Changing Your Voice

Changing Your Voice If you want to see one of the best examples of changing your voice, go and see the successful and well known Irish actor  Garrett Phillips, do an incredibly accurate impersonation of the late and great, Frank Sinatra in The Rat Pack Live from Las Vegas at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London. [...]

Accent Softening

Accent Softening The BBC called me this morning, asking me to do an interview, about accent softening, as Professor Sophie K Scott of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience part of  University College London, has just published a report on how people's career advancement, really is deeply enhanced by them neutralising their regional accent, in other [...]

Spooky Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking

Are You Frightened of Public Speaking? Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking Are you frightened of Public Speaking and dread it when you know you are going to have to do it? This is a very common problem. Public Speaking can be terrifying if you don't know what you are doing or have techniques to [...]

How to Perform Public Speaking (With or Without A Dry Throat)

How to Perform Public Speaking (With or Without A Dry Throat) Last week the Daily Telegraph called me, to interview me, on how Theresa May could have coped public speaking, with a dry throat. Water, water and more water – is the simple answer. Lozenges work because they make you swallow, but water is much [...]

Change the Way You Speak

Change the Way You Speak To change the way you speak takes focus and dedication and is a little more time consuming than most people expect! But when you do put the time and effort in you really do reap the benefits and you really can, change the way you speak. A wonderful example of [...]

Did You Know Having A Better Accent = Better Income?

Did You Know Better Accent = Better Income?      ...discussed On BBC Radio 5 Live Do you believe a Better Accent = Better Income?  BBC Radio 5, asked me to do a 30 minutes live discussion on how people are changing their accents to improve their career path to [...]

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