My Favourite Female Voice

My Favourite Female Voice My favourite female voice over voice of the moment, isn't actually English - she's American - and I first heard her voice on Julia Cameron's famous and wonderful book - The Artist's Way. This woman - Eliza Foss - has music in her soul and diction that could cut like a [...]

Palestine and the Palestinians

Genocide in Palestine I'm finding it difficult to think of other things than the mass murder in Palestine. I know I should be writing about voice coaching - but there is a point here - without a voice, without clear speech, without the translators, the journalists, the brave cameramen whether the professional press or the [...]

Social Mobility

Social Mobility Social Mobility is desired by most people who work hard for themselves and their family. Hashi Mohamed - one of my voice heroes - has made and presented a fascinating BBC R4  program, about social mobility. Hashi came to the UK as a nine year old Somalian: an unaccompanied, child refugee. At first he didn't [...]

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