New Year, New Voice Skills

Voice Skills Hello, well I've just finished listing all my New Year Goals, have you? How about New Voice Skills? Having reviewed last year's goals I have achieved half of them which I'm okay-ish with,  but -  could do better! :) Another great exercise to do,  is to make A Good Riddance list - an [...]


Pronunciation English Pronunciation is very tricky because the spellings come from such a huge mix up of different languages. It's the result of migrations, invasions, occupying forces, trade from the surrounding seas and even invited foreign monarchs, so it really is a complete miss-mash of various languages. Our history is full of different groups of [...]

Accent Reduction For Chinese People

Accent Reduction For Chinese People Chinese speakers love my training because they can achieve quick results, after a life time of difficulties! I want great results, quickly. Using a scientific approach, I have developed a curriculum that is dependable and reliable. Chinese speakers notice a huge change in their clarity immediately, as I simply tell [...]


Enunciation Enunciation, often described as the precise articulation of words, is a fundamental aspect of effective communication. In today's fast-paced world, where communication occurs through various mediums such as face-to-face interactions, presentations, video conferences, and phone calls, the ability to enunciate clearly can significantly impact one's success in both personal and professional realms. In this [...]

Public Speaking – Mastering The Art

Public Speaking - Mastering The Art A Voice Coach's Guide to Vocal Excellence Public Speaking - Mastering The Art For Public Speaking - mastering the art - your voice is your most powerful tool. It has the potential to captivate, inspire, and influence your audience. Yet, many individuals struggle to harness the full potential [...]

Is Voice Coaching Worth it?

Is Voice Coaching Worth It? Is Voice Coaching is worth it? Of course I think it is, but that begs the retort - well she would say that wouldn't she?! So, I will explain why I think Voice Coaching IS worth it I had voice coaching at the National Youth Theatre for two years; at [...]

Learn An Accent

Learn An Accent Is It Difficult To Learn An Accent? The most important thing to remember is, to learn an accent, however bad you think might be at this, it is a matter of internal engineering which you can learn from me ie tongue and jaw positions and obsession :) Obstacles to 'Learn An Accent' [...]

Interview Technique Preparation

Interview Technique Preparation I recently had a student who came to me for Interview Technique Preparation.  He was just out of university and he had little experience of being grilled in a business interview. I'll call him Jack. I asked Jack for the information about himself that he had sent in his applications so that [...]

Interview Techniques

Interview Techniques: Part 1, 2 & 3 Whether you are applying for university, changing careers, going for a better paid job, or clambering up that career ladder, interview techniques are essential. Interview Techniques Part 1 - The Production of Your Image 1. How You Present Yourself Don't underestimate the silent messaging of clothing. Colours do [...]

Business on Zoom Skype and Teams

Business on Zoom, Skype and Teams Business on zoom, skype and teams can be quite nerve wracking and make a lot of people quite monotone, as they shut down any natural expression. The fear and self-consciousness can be excruciating so here are some tips to make lockdown working from home more pleasant!   1. Video [...]

By |2024-03-27T19:09:15+00:00November 12th, 2020|attractive tone, business presentation, business succes, career advancement, Public Speaking, Skype and Teams, success, Teams, Zoom, Zoom and Teams, zoom interview coaching|Comments Off on Business on Zoom Skype and Teams
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