Learning A Well Educated English Accent

Learning A Well Educated English Accent Can someone really learn a well educated English accent and so change the way people perceive them? Yes they can. I currently have a delightful Russian student, who came to me speaking in an accent that sounded rather like a cocktail of the Midlands, mixed with the East End [...]

A Well Educated English Accent

Rachel taught me A Well Educated English Accent My name is Alex and although I am Russian and grew up there, under Rachel's guidance, I can now speak with a well educated English accent on a daily basis. I can now sound as if I had attended a top English private school and then Oxford [...]

Accent Softening

Accent Softening The BBC called me this morning, asking me to do an interview, about accent softening, as Professor Sophie K Scott of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience part of  University College London, has just published a report on how people's career advancement, really is deeply enhanced by them neutralising their regional accent, in other [...]

Spooky Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking

Are You Frightened of Public Speaking? Tricks & Treats For Public Speaking Are you frightened of Public Speaking and dread it when you know you are going to have to do it? This is a very common problem. Public Speaking can be terrifying if you don't know what you are doing or have techniques to [...]

How to Perform Public Speaking (With or Without A Dry Throat)

How to Perform Public Speaking (With or Without A Dry Throat) Last week the Daily Telegraph called me, to interview me, on how Theresa May could have coped public speaking, with a dry throat. Water, water and more water – is the simple answer. Lozenges work because they make you swallow, but water is much [...]

Elocution and Accent Reduction

Elocution and Accent Reduction For elocution and accent reduction you cannot find a better entertaining study resource than that of the brilliantly dramatised and produced BBC Radio 4 drama series of The Forsyte Saga chronicles by John Galsworthy. For a brief amount of time, the BBC Radio 4 have made the complete series of The [...]

Did You Know Having A Better Accent = Better Income?

Did You Know Better Accent = Better Income?      ...discussed On BBC Radio 5 Live Do you believe a Better Accent = Better Income?  BBC Radio 5, asked me to do a 30 minutes live discussion on how people are changing their accents to improve their career path to [...]

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles

Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles! This Valentines Gift for Sweethearts and Singles is to spread the love... A 40% DISCOUNT for Valentines week - bring a friend along, no matter whether your lover or cleaner and have a lesson for two for the price for one! Valentines treats are for everyone  - not just those [...]

Trump versus Clinton: Public Speaking and Presentation Analysis

The Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, public speaking styles in this most recent Presidential Debate, continue to be markedly different. I have just watched the second presidential debate between Hillary and Trump and have been so impressed by Hillary’s public speaking delivery and presentation skills. Despite a barrage of insults, over talking, interruptions and verbal bullying [...]

More Great Voices To Learn From

More Great Voices, To Learn From More Great Voices to Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, whose voices are perfect for your ongoing training of excellent elocution. And, how you can access them, 24hrs a day... The list contains 40 names you can put into the Audible search box (Amazon’s [...]

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