Online Voice Lessons

Online Voice Lessons I'm a big fan of Online Voice Lessons - to be honest I think they are much better value for the student and a lot more fun. Online Voice Lessons are  better value because you receive a film of the entire lesson to replay as many times as you need to absorb [...]

Accent and Accents

Accent and Accents Recently, Kaye Adams on BBC Radio Scotland interviewed me about accent and accents regarding one of the Scottish characters in The Haunting of Bligh Manor. Have a listen - BBC INTERVIEW    it's all about accent and accents and the balance between authenticity and clarity. It  may help you resolve any concerns [...]

Business on Zoom Skype and Teams

Business on Zoom, Skype and Teams Business on zoom, skype and teams can be quite nerve wracking and make a lot of people quite monotone, as they shut down any natural expression. The fear and self-consciousness can be excruciating so here are some tips to make lockdown working from home more pleasant!   1. Video [...]

By |2024-03-27T19:09:15+00:00November 12th, 2020|attractive tone, business presentation, business succes, career advancement, Public Speaking, Skype and Teams, success, Teams, Zoom, Zoom and Teams, zoom interview coaching|Comments Off on Business on Zoom Skype and Teams

Great Voices To Learn From

Great Voices To Learn From Great Voices To Learn From is a an extensive list of women and men, researched by me, whose voices are perfect for you to listen to and learn from, in order that your speech and quality of voice, become more attractive... We speak as we hear, hence we pick [...]

Social Mobility

Social Mobility Social Mobility is desired by most people who work hard for themselves and their family. Hashi Mohamed - one of my voice heroes - has made and presented a fascinating BBC R4  program, about social mobility. Hashi came to the UK as a nine year old Somalian: an unaccompanied, child refugee. At first he didn't [...]

BBC Radio Drama

BBC Radio Drama Listening to BBC Radio Drama - is the best and most enjoyable homework you can do - and very effective! And it's - FREE! In a really good production, whatever the accent, the diction is superb so you can hear and understand every word - what a fun way to do [...]

Easter Break Audio Treats

  Easter Break Audio Treats ... that won't make you fat! Here are a list of Easter Break Audio Treats - performed by people with great voices to learn from.. So sit back, kick your shoes off, click on a title you fancy and indulge! ... with absolutely no guilt...  while you feast :)  In [...]

Learning A Well Educated English Accent

Learning A Well Educated English Accent Can someone really learn a well educated English accent and so change the way people perceive them? Yes they can. I currently have a delightful Russian student, who came to me speaking in an accent that sounded rather like a cocktail of the Midlands, mixed with the East End [...]

A Well Educated English Accent

Rachel taught me A Well Educated English Accent My name is Alex and although I am Russian and grew up there, under Rachel's guidance, I can now speak with a well educated English accent on a daily basis. I can now sound as if I had attended a top English private school and then Oxford [...]

Changing Your Voice

Changing Your Voice If you want to see one of the best examples of changing your voice, go and see the successful and well known Irish actor  Garrett Phillips, do an incredibly accurate impersonation of the late and great, Frank Sinatra in The Rat Pack Live from Las Vegas at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London. [...]

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