Accent Change

Accent Change is not hard to do – at all. Seriously.
If you are naturally musical you probably find it relatively easy, but if you are not, you need someone like me, who can reverse engineer what I do instinctively and then explain to you, what you are currently doing and the physical changes you need to make to make the accent of your choice.
And it’s instant.
Accent Change really is that easy
How it Works
So if you came to me and said, I am proud of where I come from, I do not want a complete accent change, but just to modify some of my sounds so that people stop asking me to repeat myself, or stop staring at me: I can help you do this.
I am a natural imitator like the impersonator Rory Bremner and when I imitate you, I can then say – ahh – the reason that sounded like that – was because your tongue was narrow and humped and it needs to be wide and flat – seriously I can – it’s weird I know – but I can hear exactly what your tongue is doing inside your mouth!
I then show you what I meant and the alternative, demonstrating how you could do it to create a sound that more English speaking people can understand.
You choose how much accent change you make
You may want a complete accent change OR it maybe just be a slight modification, allowing you to converse easily and confidently in an international business world.
Sometimes people with the strongest regional accents, national or international, find it the hardest to understand someone else with a strong accent!
So it really does benefit you, to make all your words really accessible for a wide range of listeners.
Hear Experts Talk About This
Below is link of me speaking about this on a BBC Scotland show.
Firstly you will hear a professor and I don’t agree with him at all about how difficult he believes is to make an accent change 🙂 it just isn’t. I promise you.
Then I speak and you will hear me explain why.
Technical Changes That Can Be Made Instantly
I explain the technical aspects of how you can change your sound by simply changing the depth of your jaw opening , or the shape of your tongue.
Be Entertained
Then hear Rory Bemnar having fun! What he says about musicality is 100% true and that is how I hear accents – as music – with vowel shapes – BUT – most people don’t – so I bridge the gap between geeks like him and me – AND YOU!
I make accent change reachable and easy, for you 🙂
And I absolutely love doing it. 🙂